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Paying Customer

Total Employer Establishments in 2018; 2,225

An establishment is a single physical location at which business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.


It is not necessarily identical with a company or enterprise, which may consist of one establishment or more.


When two or more activities are conducted at a single location under a single ownership, all activities are generally grouped together as a single establishment and classified on the basis of its major activity.


Establishments with paid employees include all locations with paid employees any time during the year.


(A separate data item, Nonemployer establishments, provides the number of establishments without paid employees, (mostly self-employed individuals.) Establishment counts represent the number of locations with paid employees any time during the year. This series excludes government establishments except for wholesale liquor establishments (NAICS 4248), retail liquor stores (NAICS 44531), Book publishers (NAICS 511130), Federally-chartered savings institutions (NAICS 522120), Federally-chartered credit unions (NAICS 522130), and hospitals (NAICS 622).

Wellness Shop

Total Employment in 2018; 18,893 

Paid employment (Mid-march employment) consists of full- and part-time employees, including salaried officers and executives of corporations, who are on the payroll in the pay period including March 12.


Included are employees on paid sick leave, holidays, and vacations; not included are proprietors and partners of unincorporated businesses.

Plant Store

Total Annual Payroll in 2018; 613,801

Payroll includes all forms of compensation, such as salaries, wages, commissions, dismissal pay, bonuses, vacation allowances, sick-leave pay, and employee contributions to qualified pension plans paid during the year to all employees.


For corporations, payroll includes amounts paid to officers and executives; for unincorporated businesses, it does not include profit or other compensation of proprietors or partners.


Payroll is reported before deductions for social security, income tax, insurance, union dues, etc. This definition of payroll is the same as that used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Form 941 as taxable Medicare Wages and Tips (even if not subject to income or FICA tax).


First-quarter payroll consists of payroll during the January-to-March quarter.

Quaint Cafe

Business Ownership

Business ownership is defined as having 51 percent or more of the stock or equity in the business and is categorized by:

  • Gender: Male; female; or equally male/female.

  • Ethnicity: Hispanic; equally Hispanic/non-Hispanic; non-Hispanic.

  • Race: White; Black or African American; American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; or some other race.

  • Veteran status: Veteran; equally veteran/nonveteran; nonveteran.

  • Publicly held and other firms not classifiable by gender, ethnicity, race, and veteran status



Minority; equally minority/nonminority; and nonminority business ownership includes both Race and Ethnicity categories.


Included are all nonfarm businesses filing Internal Revenue Service tax forms as individual proprietorships, partnerships, or any type of corporation, and with receipts of $1,000 or more.


The SBO covers both firms with paid employees and firms with no paid employees. The SBO is conducted on a company or firm basis rather than an establishment basis.


A company or firm is a business consisting of one or more domestic establishments that the reporting firm specified under its ownership or control.

Man Shopping


Firms equally male-/female-owned, equally minority-/nonminority-owned, and equally veteran-/nonveteran-owned are counted and tabulated as separate categories.


Detailed categories may not add up to the total due to rounding or because a Hispanic firm may be of any race.


Moreover, each owner had the option of selecting more than one race and is included in each race selected.


Firms with more than one domestic establishment are counted in each industry and geographic area in which they operate, but only once in the US and state totals for all sectors.



Not included in the tabulations for any of these categories are publicly held firms, foreign-owned companies, and not-for-profit companies, although the denominators for each percentage do include these companies.

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