Real Estate Buying Guide
Volusia - Flagler - Palm Beach Counties
Rich Delivers
Marketing & Web Content Specialist
Street Reporter & Journalist
E-Learning Course Design & Development
Degrees in Respiratory Therapy, Computer Technology, Radiologic Technology
Licenses in Real Estate, Respiratory Therapy, Marine, and Finance
Resident Population
Resident Population - All persons who are "usually resident" in a specified geographic area. For the United States, the resident population includes all persons who usually reside in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, but excludes residents of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Island areas under U.S. sovereignty or jurisdiction (principally American Samoa, Guam, United States Virgin Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). In addition, the U.S. resident population excludes U.S. Armed Forces overseas and civilian U.S. citizens whose usual place of residence is outside the United States.
Estimates Base
Estimates Base - The population count or estimate used as the starting point in the estimates process. It can be the most recent updated Census count or the estimate for a previous date within the same vintage. (The vintage year (e.g., V2019) refers to the final year of the time series). The April 1, 2010 Population Estimates base reflects changes to the 2010 Census population from the Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS) and other geographic program revisions. It may reflect changes from the Count Question Resolution program.