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Polluted Water

What We Do!

31 Freshwater lakes /  111 acres.


154 miles of ditches.


The Stormwater Division is responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the City’s Stormwater infrastructure and has recently developed a comprehensive Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program to ensure proper drainage throughout the City, and that program has been greatly enhanced with investments in improving the aging system.


Every-other year the City conducts stormwater modeling to determine priorities for stormwater rehabilitation projects.


The goal is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens in Palm Coast through a full range of municipal services and an all-inclusive program to effectively manage stormwater.


Ongoing Stormwater maintenance programs and rehabilitation projects include:

  • Front-yard swale maintenance

  • Drainage pipes

  • Water control structures such as weirs

  • Drainage ditches

  • Freshwater and saltwater canals

  • Freshwater Lakes

  • Culvert Pipes

Water Birds

The System

58 miles of freshwater canals.


31 control structures.


The City of Palm Coast’s stormwater drainage system is designed to protect homes and businesses from flooding.


All the City’s canals, swales, water control structures, and stormwater storage areas are designed to work together to handle the abundance of rainfall we receive in this area.


Historically the system worked well with the City maintenance focused largely on pipe cleanouts and swale regrading.


The original Stormwater drainage system was built by ITT in the 1970’s and 80’s when Palm Coast’s population was one-tenth of its current size.


In recent years the City has recognized the need for drainage improvements to keep up with the increased demands on the system.

Fixing a Pipe

Management Plan

26 miles of saltwater canals.


1,222 miles of swales. Swales are low or hollow places, especially in a marshy depression and / or between ridges). 


The City has embarked on an enhanced comprehensive Stormwater management plan to address the emerging drainage issues.


A Master Plan has been developed which takes a big-picture look at the Stormwater infrastructure and drainage basins and how they work together.


New solutions will re-direct focus on cleaning and maintaining residential and commercial ditches, freshwater canals and will have a greater long-term impact on improving the overall drainage system in Palm Coast.

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